About These Letters

These are letters that were written from my father to his mother at home during World War II. He was stationed in Europe under General Patton. Even with all that he experienced in the war, he always tried to sound positive for his family back home so that they wouldn't worry so much about him while he was gone. 

About My Dad

Hello, Kenneth was my dad. He served in WWII from 1942 through 1945. He was assigned first to the 9th Armored Division under General Patton, which was getting ready for desert war in Africa. He was with the tank division. Later he was with the 4th Armored Division and then the 6th.
He was finally sent to Europe in Dec. of 1943. He fought in many campaigns and finally helped to liberate Buckenwald Prison camp. He also served as a guard and prisoner escort during the Nierenberg trials.
His letters home to his mother are now mine (except for the 1942 letters, they seem to be missing.) along with some of his other service momentos. I decided to share the letters because of the positive attitude that he kept no matter what he faced, (well at least most of the time). He was like that all of his life and I believe we would all do better in our own lives if we did the same.
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