A New Place to Call Home - Sept 8, 1944

    Sept. 8, 1944

    Dear Mother,
     I'm about to get thawed out again after a nice soaking the other day. There are several ways of getting a bath and that is one of the worst.
    Had quite a celebration on my birthday this year. Bing Crosby and his troupe put on a show. They probably didn't know it was my birthday but they put on a good show anyway.
    What's new on the home front? I suppose everyone is still working per usual. How is Stubby making out? Still as badly spoilt as ever - no?
    I'm getting into high society now. The front yard of one of these famous Chateaus is now my home. - Home being wherever I pitch my pup tent. - To get back to the Chateau, it's really a nice place just like some big country estate around St. Louis. The house looks to have about thirty rooms or so. Also a nice river runs right by the front door and forms a small lake there. Very nice indeed.
     Keep out of mischief while I can't watch you. Until later



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