In Germany
                                        March 2, 1945

    Dear Mother,
    I heard a program from Springfield the other day. Sort of a message to servicemen from there. It kind of brought back memories when they spoke of Lanphier, The Sangams, and other well known spots.
    I received another of your little boxes yesterday. The coffee candy didn't last long among these chow hounds. Thanks a lot for the little note book. My old one was getting pretty full.
    Those people in Belgium I wrote of gave me their card. The censor restriction has been lifted, so I'm sending it on to you.
    There are also a couple of other enclosures. Two American invasion notes of German money. One for five marks and one for one mark. At the present exchange rate a mark is worth about ten cents. Also a note for ten Belgium Franks.
    I picked up a couple stamps I'm putting on this letter.
    You keep asking me to request something - so I think I'll impose on you and ask for a nice big box of chocolate candy. The things that most of us would want if it was possible would be odds and ends of tidbits that could be eaten between meals or before bed time. That is one big thing - the ability to change the monotony of army chow.
    Look! No more room - So good night - Love

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