I'll Keep My Fingers Crossed

                                        Aug. 19, 1945

    Dear Mother,

    I hardly know what to write. I keep feeling like there is a joker in this surrender business some place. So until the Japs have been disarmed and Japan occupied, I shall continue to keep my fingers crossed.
    I'm saving up all my celebrating until I get home and then - look out. As far as I'm concerned the real V-day will be when i set foot on American soil again.
    Are Vanita and Al coming down for Vanita's birthday? Even though I'm not there in body I'll be there in spirit wishing you all a happy time.
    Well it's raining again today so I guess I can't go swimming. Every day the sun shines and I can get off, down for the old swimming I head. I don't like swimming that well, it's just something to break the monotony.
    How is Dad doing with his light bulbs? Salesmen will have to be careful now or people will mob them trying to buy things. A salesman's paradise.
    Someone yelled that there is hot water, so I had better get moving before it's all gone. -
            Bye - now, Love from me to all of you.

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