The Slowest Train

June 1, 1943

Dear Mother,

That was about the slowest train from St. Louis I have ever ridden on. We didn't get into Kansas City until 6 that evening. The train for camp pulled out at six thirty but it had thirteen cars loaded to the gills, and I do mean loaded. I had to wait for the eleven fifteen train, it got into camp about three thirty.
Monday evening we got up and took a half hour of exercises then took a ten mile hike. After not getting any sleep and riding on the train that was really a rough deal.
I felt the effects of all that this morning when I got up so I went on sick call. It turned out I had a cold and a slight fever. They swabbed my throat and gave me enough pills to start a young drug store. I think the cold is broken any way - I hope.
They issued our new address I'll give it to you and you'll have it. I'll let you know when we move out and you can start using it.

Payday yesterday - $40 to replace what I spent.
That's all for now.



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