Painting Signs - April 25, 1944

           April 25, 194

     Dear Mother,

     I'm glad you got the money order all right. It was a surprise to hear they got there so fast.
     It looks like I made a mistake when I told them I could draw. They are taking advantage of it. Today I painted two large signs for the Hospital. Tomorrow I have a master set of letters to draw for stencils. It gives me something to do and I can keep my hand in with the old drawing set.
     I think you have something on that scrapbook. Those ideas will come in handy when we start building. If you run across any ideas of things to make out of plastics save them. Especially things from scrap sheet plastic. I think we will use plastic for some of our work. Maybe it will replace all of the metal we have been using.
     How about "Signs of the Times" are they still publishing a magazine? If they are we should start getting copies again if you're not already.
     I suppose you have been down to the place looking around. Does it still look as good as before? Maybe it looks better now especially with spring flowers out.
      That's all for now Folks.

                       Love to everyone


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