We Went To The Firing Range

                                                                   June 27, 1945

    Dear Mother,
    You are probably wondering what has happened to my writing arm. Nothing special, just the Army and their ideas.
    We went out on the firing range last week. Supposedly we were to stay there two days then come back to camp. Due to bad weather and poor management on the range we didn't get back to camp until last night.
    I managed to get a sunburned nose - bad weather or not. That's what comes of living indoors. A few hours out in the sun, and bingo! a cute little red snozola. It looks hic! like I might, hic! be a hic! booze hound, hic!
    So Dad got caught in the floods. It's a good thing he didn't get stranded someplace. Maybe you can both get down to the place later this summer.
    My bowling isn't too hot. Sometimes I do pretty good and then other times those d--n pins just wont fall down. The worst trouble is the size of the balls. The first two or three games are alright, but after that my hand starts getting sore from being wrapped around the ball. After my hand gets sore it's time to quit. About that time my control over the ball goes bye-bye and the score hits rock bottom.
    I'll say goodnight for now and send my Love to keep you company.

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