In Belgium
                                        Jan. 1945

    Dear Mother,

    There are times when I wish I had a camera again. I have, in my travels passed through some beautiful country. One place was just like a picture on a Christmas card. A road leading through a woods, unbroken snow on the ground and the limbs of the trees white with snow and ice. It's something not seen in the States very often because the snows come and go too fast. Over here the temperature is more or less stable all winter long.
    Thank you for the nice Christmas card.
    After careful study I have come to the conclusion that I like the people of Belgium better than those of any other country I have been in sense leaving the States. The people don't seem to be able to do enough for you. They ask nothing in return, only that they be allowed to do everything possible, most of the places we have been will give you most anything but they expect plenty in return.
    One family in Belgium invited four of us fellows to eat all our meals at their home. We compromised by eating suppers there. It was surprising what that woman could do with the limited things she had.
    There are some things that never will be forgotten and these peoples generosity heads the list.
            All My Love


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