Radio Programs - Dec 20, 1944

    Dec 20, 1944

     Dear Mother,

     Well! Well! December mail is arriving at last.
     That must have been some snow you ran into while in Springfield. That's about the biggest snow they have had in a long time.
     I can just see Dad on the business end of that shovel. With a "Yo heave ho" - Bend that back - Toss that snow. -Yes indeed, every little bit helps.
     I didn't know Jack Gody very well. But I did know they had a place out of town a ways.
     Did you find out what Grandad wanted you to come down for. Or did the storm take up too much of your time?
      We hear the same persons over the radio that you do - mostly. Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Amos & Andy, Diana Shore, and others. The only difference is that they are transcribed programs we hear or on rare occasions a good program comes over short wave from the U.S. Of course on numerous occasions we have to be content with British programs.
     Good night for now. My love to all the inhabitants of the Register residence.



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