How About A Snow Ball Fight
                                        Jan. 30, 1945

    Dear Mother,

    How you'all this fine day? Come over and we can have a nice snow ball fight. You and I will gang up on Dad. Wee! If Puggie's not busy she might join us. And of course we could let Dad have Stubby for support - That should make things fairly even.
    That sounds like good news on the place. It won't be long now until "Paid in full", can be written across that contract. That day will call for a big celebration - don't you agree?
    You should see our truck when we make a move. Stoves stick out all over the truck. We have found out that you must come prepared - or else freeze. Sometimes we are lucky and take over places with heat furnished, but usually we furnish our own.
    I have some cards to acknowledge, so this is where that eventful little word appears - the END.

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