What Are You Doing For Thanksgiving? - Nov 21, 1944

    Nov. 21, 1944

    Dear Mother,

    I got quite a surprise when you wrote about Junior getting married. It looks like all the boys are getting caught powerful fast. Was the girl anyone I know? I don't think so, but it's a small world.
    Speaking of hot letters. One of the boys really had one the other night. It was so hot it nearly burnt the truck up. With the help of a few buckets of water we managed to quench the fire. But another letter had to be composed.
    Does anyone work Thanksgiving or is it going to be a holiday? I read in the paper the menu we are supposed to have. Just between you and me it's going to be interesting seeing them put out a feed like that here on field ranges. Maybe they can do it - I'm willing to be convinced.
      Until I write again - all my Love


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