From Your Wandering Boy - Sept. 30, 1944

    Sept. 30, 1944

      Dear Mother,

    Maybe I should take a few minutes and give you news of your wandering boy.
    At the present writing he is doing fine - all things considered. Under different circumstances France would be an enjoyable place to visit.
    I've made a few tours through some of the towns, and had a pretty good time. As yet there isn't much entertainment after dark but during the day it's fun trying to talk to some of these Frenchmen. Every once in a while one comes along that speaks English - that's much better.
    They have finally quit bouncing me around. I have a unit once again. Maybe now I can get some of those letters you have been writing. The address is similar to my first two - so it shouldn't be too hard to remember. In case you couldn't read the one on the envelope here tis again --

Co. A - 128 Ord. - Maint. BN.
A.P.O. 256 - % Postmaster
New York, N.Y

             Love to all the family from



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