Not Going On Maneuvers - Nov. 23 1943

Nov. 23, 1943

Dear Mother,

   We got settled in our new home yesterday. It seemed funny watching the company pull out and not going with them. Especially on maneuvers.
We are living in tents again similar to Camp Perry. These tent frames are just a little older, as a matter of fact they look like they need props to hold them up straight. The tent that we sleep in is more like a barracks than anything. It is three tents all fastened together so that eighteen of us sleep under one roof. It's not bad considering everything.
   As you have probably surmised by now we are not going on maneuvers. Some of the fellows seemed to think we are lucky getting to stay in camp for the two months the division is in the field. What do you think?
   It looks like we will get off for Thanksgiving, but it will be one day only so I won't be able to get up around your way. I guess I'll just stay in camp and eat turkey. Come on down and I'll save you a bite!
    Did the hunting trip ever come off or was it called off? From what I've heard it's almost impossible to get shells for any civilian use at present. I got Dad a thirty-seven millimeter shell maybe he can get something with that. Do you recon?



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