Went To The Dentist Today - March 10, 1944

March 10, 1944

     Dear Mother,

       Did you know that time is flying by. March is here and going into yesterdays awful fast.
     I took a trip to the dentist today. His drill wasn't working very well so he only filled one tooth. He has me down on his date book for another visit next Friday.
Did Dad get his teeth taken care of? If he hasn't see that he gets on the move. Tell him if I have to suffer I want someone else to suffer too. I feel mean today.
     Are you doing anything this afternoon? Well that's swell, I've got a nice washing here I could use some help on.
     I think Dad will be making a big mistake if he buys a cross cut saw. He'll have to take the seat off of his and work instead of riding. He's putting on too much weight for me to be pulling him any more.
     How did the tax return come out this year? Puggie should have had a lot of fun with hers. This is her first isn't it? Everything has it's draw backs, even making money.
     That wash is still waiting, so let's get busy.



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