What's This I Hear - Oct 25, 1944

    Oct 25, 1944

   Dear Mother,

    Things are getting straightened out at long last. I am starting to get mail at the new address, in about ten days too.
    Whats this I gather from your letter? You intend to build a small house on the place next spring and move out there. Sounds like a good idea to me. Have you made any definite plans yet, or are they all in the embryo stages yet? Keep me posted and up to date on any new developments.
    What about Dads job? Will being out of town bother him very much? I hope not.
    I met a fellow over here that went to Lamphier when I did. I met him once before at Fort Knox O.C.S. - He is Second Lt. Foster. - I doubt if Puggie knows him, although she might. He is the first one from the old home town I have run across over here.
    Thank you for the Birthday card. It with a couple more back letters caught up the other day. There should be more of it coming soon - I hope.
    If you go riding in one of those gliders you had better contact a soldier first. The steel helmet they have is just the thing for emergency use.
    With that piece of advice I should bid you good-night for now - with love



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