Thank You For The Valentine - Feb 13, 1945

    Feb 13, 1945

     Dear Mother,

    Thank you each and every one for the Valentine. I have tried to find a card to express myself. But there were none. So to Mother, Dad, Puggie, Grandma, and Stubby - Won't you be my Valentine.
    Your box containing books and magazines arrived in good shape. Now then we are all reading again. Thanks to you.
    Some of the boys had a bad night. The plaster in our new home was water soaked from snow and rain. During the night heat from our stoves dried it out and as it dried it came loose. A few lucky ones didn't get a face full of plaster. You don't get to laugh at me this time, cause I was one of the lucky ones.
    Now I'll close this letter and squeeze it into that envelope with all those bushels of Love I'm sending you


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