In Louisiana Oct. 1943

Oct. 18, 1943

Dear Mother,
               You guessed it, we are in Louisiana now. We sure hop around a lot. If this keeps on I'll visit every state in the union yet.
We came by way of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Got into camp early this morning. I feel like I could stand about twenty-four hours sleep. We have been on the go since four o'clock this morning.
 Did you and Dad get to see the world series? I'll bet that was a disappointment to lots of St. Louis fans. We listened to as many of the games as possible. Every once in a while an officer came and put us to work, but not for long.
                 I'm going to quit now and finish tomorrow night.
 It really feels good to get back in barracks again. Even if it does mean scrubbing floors and making beds.
 This camp is a good deal like Funston. The ground is sand and pine trees grow through out the camp.
 The thing most of us like best is the change from "C" rations to "B" rations. You don't realize how good fresh milk, butter and eggs are until you have eaten powdered milk and eggs and canned butter.
 How are the teeth coming along? Has Dad or Rosalyn run out on you again? If they do let me know and I'll send one of my Sargents down to give them a talking to. Some of these Sargents can really tell you off.
 That fellow from Co. 'E' you met in St. Louis has probably been too busy to do any visiting as yet. I know we have.
  I'll write again when we get straightened up a little.



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