Here I Sit

                                                              June 10, 1945

    Dear mother,

    I intended to go out on the hill this afternoon and write this letter sitting in the sun. A little shower came up and so here I sit in my room inside.
    The pictures you took of the family in the park got here. They were very nice. I liked that one of Dad cleaning the car. It's too bad about Stubby. I hope the shots do him good.
    $36.45, That sounds really good. Are you going to take care of all of it this month? It really rates a celebration. You celebrate over there and I'll celebrate here. Then when we get together - wow ---.
    I've been reviewing my case and checking my chances of coming home. The way things stand now it looks like it will be at least another year. That sounds bad but until Japan falls there is no chance of getting out. So under the circumstances it's better over here than down in the South Pacific.
    Did Dad finally get off to his long anticipated trip? I hope he finds business good when he does go. And I sure wish I was going with him.
    I'd better close when I start getting thoughts like that.
                Love from me to You

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