After Leaving The Hospital - May 11, 1944

      May 11, 1944

    Dear Mother,

    That little poem of the Ozarks is pretty good. Sounds like our place being described.
    Dogonit you're getting my curiosity aroused. I can't hardly wait to see what the place actually looks like. Maybe I'm getting spring fever of something. It's nice enough here right now to get spring fever.
    Boy oh boy if my mail ever catches up it will be a wonder. I have been moving from one replacement depot to another sense leaving the hospital. It shouldn't be long before I have a permanent address again. But until I do just keep writing to the 32nd General Hospital. Mail can be forwarded easier from there than it could if I gave you all the different A.P.O. numbers I'll likely have before being assigned permanent.
    How did the job at the Ord. depot work out? Sounds like a good deal to me.
Thanks for the card of the twenty-second.
    By the time you and Dad get through you will know more about building a house than I do. I hope you have some good plans thought up both for our home and the cottages.
    It's time for retreat once again. Thinking of you with love.


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