I'm In France 

Oct 26, 1945

Dear Mother,

I’m back in France once more. For a much shorter stay this time I hope.
I’m in the One Ninety Third field artillery battalion being processed at Camp Baltimore. The camp is about thirty miles from Reims.
We are living in tents and just about freezing every night. One thing we are thankful for is the fairly dry weather we have been having here. - So far -
We hope to move out of here next week for Marseilles. We will be there about two weeks and then a boat ride once more. From that port it takes a little longer crossing, so if nothing happens we should sight land about the first week in December.
I am having all mail sent home so it won’t do much good for anyone to write. All mail gets stopped at the A.P.O. and sent back.
You hold the home fort down and keep your fingers crossed - if nothing happens I’ll be home for Christmas.
Till then I’ll send my Love


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